Tuesday 10 May 2011

Human After All!

Today I thought I would write a small blog after a client of mine asked me a great question: 'What coffee do you drink?'

It's not such an off the wall question as my early morning clients are regularly greeted to the smell of freshly made coffee. David and I drink it every morning. I know I should be drinking hot water with a slice of organic lemon and a cinnamon stick, but I don't really want to give up my cup of brain power each morning. We alternate our coffee from Illy to an organic blend from Red Roaster (my personal favourite), which is an independent roasting house in Brighton.

The other thing today which I want to share with you is that I went for a two hour training session yesterday morning and now I can hardly walk up the stairs without whimpering! I did an hour of Body Conditioning training, a 1 hour row class and then walked a couple of miles. It brought to mind that I didn't stretch much in the evening as we got busy. I can't stress how important it is to stretch properly after any exercise so that your muscles fibres can lengthen after being asked to contract a lot for increased power and energy.

You don't want to end up like me this morning; coming down the stairs on my bum to make coffee in the morning! 

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