night saw the 'Better Bouldering' team on the Craggy Island crash
mats for our final data collection session. We had a fantastic time
and I was especially pleased as we now have 19 full sets of climbs,
stretches and results!
would like to thank everyone involved; it was great to work with you
all and I look forward to reporting back in the near future with how
it's all going. The dissertaion will be handed in on July 15th
2012 and I have a final presentation on October 5th
2012, but I am hoping to publish a paper on the findings through
Craggy Island and Cornerstone Therapies in the summer. I'll keep you
posted with news on the blog though, so do check up here as well
through out the next 9 months.
Don and I were stretching the Latisimus Dorsi, Trapezius and Pectoral
muscles by use of either Assisted Active Isolated Stretches (AIS) or
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretches. The
stretches were carried out in a very methodical approach so that I
know each person was stretched in the same way. If we had given
everyone differing treatments the results would not have shown
anything comparable.

I'm loving in the Treatment Room today:
I'm looking forward to
getting back to work tomorrow :) . It's been great to have 7 days to study and get my head in some books, but I am realizing more and
more that the place I love to be most is working in the treatment
room looking after you all! Never fear; I am not going to run to a
life of academia as I think I would go nuts. You guys are far more
of the day:
listening to our hens, Masie and Savvy, clucking away downstairs. I'm
just off to give them so attention and some corn.